Hand Made in Italy

Only top quality materials, from certified companies for each material are employed,
The acetate
You always want the best for your creature: this is why Piero Massaro eyewear
is made with the most precious of cellulose acetates, Rhodoïd,
the only vegetable plastic material that does not come from oil processing.
There is a reference to the Sicilian origins of the designer in the warm silkiness of
this material, in the brilliance of the colors available and in the brightness of its transparencies.
Cotton, which is the pure soul of acetate, is worked by the skilled hands of the artisans
to take that shape and tone that Piero Massaro has specifically designed for his glasses,
to make the eyes of those who choose it unique.

Ogni mia collezione, realizzata in tonalità e forme a tiratura limitata, è una manifattura altamente specializzata, creata in collaborazione con artigiani locali: come le montature realizzate con l'acetato di cellulosa di Mazzucchelli 1849 o le cerniere brevettate e fatte con l’acciaio più pregiato (Aisi 316 L).